Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Con1 Camp, 2007.

Con camp was amazing! The con1's were really participative and energetic! Simply love the way they are able to jump into the activities.(ESPECIALLY Praise And Worship) Had alot of fun chilling with the other facils too and it was (you know it) AWESOME being able to reunite with the con4s!
Praise And Worship, which we had to practically run through for a week actually turned out quite successful! Kids jumping.. Facils going all out.. and "MY SOURCE"(For those select few who have suffered it) Yeah... it was one hell of an awesome session.
I shall let the pictures take it from hereeee.. ENJOY.
Praise And Worship, which we had to practically run through for a week actually turned out quite successful! Kids jumping.. Facils going all out.. and "MY SOURCE"(For those select few who have suffered it) Yeah... it was one hell of an awesome session.
I shall let the pictures take it from hereeee.. ENJOY.
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